Home Buying Advice
So you have decided to purchase a new home – but what are the next steps to a smooth purchase? Here we outline the steps from the early stages right through to exchange of contracts.
Contact your nearest Nock Deighton Office. The friendly staff will be keen to meet you and get to know all about you in order to try and put you in touch with the very best properties that meet your criteria, so invest some time and think about the following:
- Which are the areas you would like to be buying in?
- Are there any other areas that you perhaps hadn't considered?
- What type of property do you envisage purchasing?
- What are your key 'Must Haves' & 'Don't Wants'
- Have you decided on you budget?
- In what timescale are you looking to move?
- If you need to sell, have you made any preparations to place your home on the market?
- Have you spoken to a Financial Advisor to see what amount of money you may be able to borrow?
Once we have a good idea of your needs, it's time to get out there and see a good range of properties so that you can get a grip on what your money will buy in your chosen area.
- The sooner you become confident about value, the sooner you will be in a position to buy with conviction.
- See as much as you can, however if you find the perfect property early on in your search, don't delay - if you like it the probability is that someone else will as well!
- Give detailed feedback to your agent; it will help to guide them in assisting you.
When you find a suitable property, quickly get in touch with Nock Deighton about how to proceed. An offer is about more than just money; you will be asked to provide the office details of
- Your current position (Sold, House to sell, No related sale)
- Timescales
- Any key items for inclusion (curtains, carpets, etc)
- Your proposed method of funding the purchase
In order for the seller to make an informed decision, we will need to make this information available to them.
Once a sale has been agreed, the office will allocate main point of contact between all parties involved in the transaction. That person will also be there to help guide you every step of the way and to assist where at all possible. Your immediate priority is to:
- Instruct a recommended local solicitor with experience of your chosen area.
- Instruct your IFA/ Mortgage broker (if applicable) to commission a survey on the property.
Once the legal (or 'conveyancing') work has been carried out and your finances are in order, you will be in a position to 'exchange contracts' prior to the agreed 'completion', at which point you can take possession of your new home.
- Invest time in your agent; the better they understand your needs, the more they can help.
- Make sure everybody who needs to see the property has seen it before you offer.
- This is an exciting yet sometimes stressful time for all involved. Be aware of the feelings of all those involved in the transaction and try and react logically and calmly to the ups and downs of the transaction
- Get your ducks in a row; there are thousands of mortgage products on the market. Consult an independent mortgage advisor who can tailor the product to your needs.
- Don't judge a book by its cover - no property will look like home until you have moved in!