How to declutter before selling
Even thinking about decluttering seems such a chore! Sadly, it’s an absolute must if you want to sell your home quickly for the best price.
So, here are some helpful tips on how to declutter effectively!
Don’t put buyers off
Potential buyers are often put off by piles of children’s toys or books stacked in the corner of a room, and having a clean, tidy, minimal look to a house can really help it stand out from the competition.
It’s important to remember that people tend to view several properties at a time, so the last thing you want is for your property to be written off because prospective buyers can’t see past the clutter.
Start with a plan
Firstly, plan your strategy. Make a list of the rooms in your house and what needs to change in each one. Then prioritise which rooms to tackle first. With the best will in the world, you’ll struggle to do every room without a plan!
Get started
When you have decided on your first room, start by clearing out as much as possible – dump it in another room if needs be – and then gradually replace all the necessary items. You’ll be surprised at how much will be left over!
Put things away
The kitchen is often the worst place for a build up of clutter. Our tips are to make the most of the cabinet space you have and put everything away. Take paperwork out of the kitchen and put it into a basket where, at least it will look tidy!
Spices, according to Good Housekeeping, only last around 4 years, so if you’ve had jars or packets in your cupboard for longer than that, it may be time and the opportunity to throw them out.
The bathroom should probably be your next stop. If you threw out all the half used products that you’ll never use again, it would make the room look a lot tidier and free up some much needed space.
When you’re doing bedrooms, don’t be tempted to throw everything into a built in wardrobe. Be aware that prospective buyers often want to see into built-in wardrobes, to gauge how much space there will be for their own clothes etc. Even your wardrobes need to give a good impression!
Under bed storage may be a good investment – even though you’re planning a move. It will allow you to put all those things that you don’t know what to do with under the bed.
If you have open shelves, a good rule of thumb is to restrict the number of items to no more than three. Sizes and shapes can vary but it is a good idea to relate the pieces in terms of colour or theme.
Cords and cables are something that can look really messy but we take for granted in our own homes and don’t even notice. Take a look at yours – round the TV, desk, charging points and either secure them in a box or use cable tidies to keep things neat.
Coffee Tables
To give the illusion of space, a coffee table should be 75% clear, according to Good Housekeeping.
Be Ruthless
Then you need to be ruthless. Do you REALLY need that sandwich toaster which you haven’t used for a year?
Anything which hasn’t been used for 6 months or more has to be considered for charity shop or tip. If it hasn’t been used for more than a year – get rid of it immediately!
If you can’t decide
One useful idea is to put items which you can’t bear to part with in a box to store at a friend or family’s house and see if you miss it. Chances are, you won’t and your house will be all the more attractive to buyers for it!
If you are looking for an estate agent who will give honest, helpful advice about selling your home fast, for the best possible price, contact us today!