Shropshire House Prices - January 2016

Latest house price figures show a “strong and stable” property market in Shropshire, according to the industry experts at Nock Deighton estate agents.

We compile a house price index every month, based on industry statistics and our own reports, and the latest report shows an annual increase of 4.5 per cent for January.

Michael Nettleton, sales and marketing director at Nock Deighton, said January’s figures showed a month-on-month decrease of 0.4 per cent, with an average sale price in Shropshire for the past 12 months of £246,518.


He said the overall outlook was very positive.

“The annual rise shows a strong and stable market giving us a bullish outlook for the year ahead,” Mr Nettleton said.

“Supply of stock is the real issue in the market, and now is a great time to consider selling, as the imbalance between supply and demand suggests strong sale prices will be achieved in 2016.”

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