Plans to Give Tenants Power to Sue Landlords Welcomed

The head of property management here at Nock Deighton is welcoming plans to give tenants the power to sue their landlord if the accommodation is in poor condition.

A new Government Bill has just its second reading in Parliament which would resurrect a disused law designed to protect tenants from living in sub-standard conditions.

Dawn Clarke, director of lettings and property management, said the review was long overdue.

She said: “The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill will update an antiquated law which gave tenants the right to a decent home if the rent was less than £52 a year, or £80 in London.

“It was last amended in 1957 and clearly those rent limits are ridiculous in the present day, so the law fell into disuse.

“If the new Bill comes into effect, it would help raise the standards of rented accommodation where necessary, as well as providing extra protection for tenants from some landlords who avoid carrying out essential repairs.”

Dawn is the regional spokesman for the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) and has worked in the industry for more than 30 years.

She said: “The vast majority of landlords do a good job of maintaining their properties, especially if they work in tandem with a letting agent, but there are always some people out there who let their tenants down.

“This new law could give tenants real power to sue their landlord if their property is not fit to live in, which can only be a good thing as far as we are concerned.”

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