Introducing our new Rent Review Service for Self-Managing Landlords

Recent data paints a clear picture: rents in the West Midlands have skyrocketed. According to official ONS figures, average rental prices have surged by over 16% in just the last 3 years. Independent sources suggest the actual increase might be even higher.

What Does This Mean for You, the Landlord?

Staying in sync with the market is crucial in today's environment. Rising property maintenance costs, taxes, mortgages, and other expenses all need to be factored in. Additionally, when it comes to selling your property in the future, especially to another investor, the rental income plays a significant role in making the investment attractive.

The Nock Deighton Rent Review Service

We understand you're not looking to squeeze every penny out of your tenants. However, a sustainable investment hinges on balancing income with expenditure and planning for long-term maintenance.

Here's how our Rent Review Service works:

  • Independent Expertise: As a neutral third party, we visit your property to assess its condition, conduct thorough local research, and advise you on the current market rent.
  • Data-Driven Recommendations: We don't rely on guesswork. Our report details the ideal rental price based on concrete market trends.
  • Seamless Rent Increase (Optional): If you decide to raise the rent, we'll handle the necessary paperwork for a smooth transition.

Visit Rent Reviews for Self-Managing Landlords to learn more.

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