Shropshire House Prices - March 2016

House prices in Shropshire are back on the rise according to figures compiled by analysts here at Nock Deighton.

Our monthly House Price Index report has seen a slight decrease over the past three months, although prices have been consistently higher compared to the previous year.

The latest report, which is based on Nock Deighton’s own statistics and a selection of national reports, shows a monthly increase of 1.3 per cent and an annual increase of 3.5 per cent.

Michael Nettleton, director of sales and marketing at Nock Deighton, said there was still a shortage of homes for sale which was the main reason for prices going up.

“We have been saying the same thing for the past couple of months now,” he said. “The stock shortage is seeing a predominantly balanced market, but it is still favouring buyers who have realistic expectations.


“The growth in prices reflects this and with spring well under way, it’s a great time to put your house on the market.”

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